
Reusable Forms in Swiftui

I’ve been recently doing a lot of programming using Swift and I’m quite enjoying how intuitive it is to pick up. It also helps that SwiftUI generally produces good looking user interfaces with less effort than other things I’ve tried.

Haskell Folds Illustrated

I try to wrap my head around one of Haskell's main higher order functions.

Building a Simple Telegram Bot Using Google Cloud Functions

Many websites use bots to automate tasks and add useful (and sometimes harmful) functionality. For instance, there are reddit bots that can help you stabilize shaky videos, remind you of events or even vote on the usefulness of other bots.

Learning Haskell Through Google Code Jam

I try to solve Google Code Jam Problems using Haskell.

Hugo Web Development Workflow on Windows

As I mentioned in my first article on this blog, I’m now using Hugo, the static site generator to build my personal website. Due to the needs of my work environment (mostly because I need to use MS Word and certain MATLAB features on a regular basis), I’ve been primarily using Windows as my operating system for the past year or so.

Bash Recipes for Doing Science!

When prototyping programs that deal with lots of data on an Arduino and other embedded systems or even on full blown computers, it’s really useful to have a quick tool for plotting the output of the program.

Programming Complex Dataflows in C

Over the past few months I’ve been spending a lot of time on implementing various signal processing algorithms in C/C++. Things like Kalman Filters, various types of FIR filters and finite state machines.

Real-Time Programming with Xenomai 3 - Part 2: Writing a simple periodic task.

I walk you through writing a simple cyclic task in Xenomai.

Real-Time Programming with Xenomai 3 - Part 1: Installation and Basic Setup

In my lab, we recently started moving away from Simulink’s Real-Time packages and towards Real-Time Linux for implementing the low level control of our robots. I thought I would document what I went through to get Xenomai (A Real-Time framework for linux) working stably as a resource for others trying to get started on the same thing.